

Guilds (Coming Soon!)

Magic System

Shu Ashbourne

Full Name: Shauna "Shu" Ashbourne

Country: Alphons

Powers: Basic Light Magic

Favorite Color: Blue 

Mini Lore Drop: Shu is a small mage from Alphons, coming from a pretty wealthy upper class family. Being from the city of Diamonds, it is a flourishing place that seems to have no issues...right? As a child Shu wasn't outside much, due to her uncle's protection. Due to her being inside so often, her magic did not mature as well as others, making her much more weaker than most light mages. Shu is determined to make a change for herself, sneaking outside one day in hopes of an adventure. 

Naomi Clifairy

Full Name: Naomi Clifairy

Country: Alphons

Powers: ???

Favorite Color: Purple/Green


Full Name: Ramona 

Country: Iris (Aurk Mountains)

Powers: Extreme Light magic, which is so powerful it turns into fre

Favorite Color: Red and Yellow


Full Name: Aisha aka "Rune's Protector" from Rune's People

Origin: The Tree of Light 

Powers: Aisha's powers are limited to what she can do in The Endless Forest. She has full control over the Endless Forest. She can change the land and placement at will and has full control of plants and trees. She cannot bring something dead back to life nor kill. She also can't interfere with Life or Death, and she can't leave the Endless Forest since her power & life-force are tied to the tree. 

Favorite Color: Pink and Green


Full Name: Sia

Origin: ???

Powers: Her Power is driven by emotions, she can manipulate a persons dreams or consciousness through their heart's desires. She can also hop into dreams and cause nightmares if she likes. 

Favorite Color: Red and brown

Liliana Rosen

Full Name: Liliana Rosen

Origin: Endless Forest

Powers: She doesn't have much magic, her magic has been weakened ever since she left the forest.  She is mostly a potion and medicine expert.

Favorite Color: Pink and Green

Mini Lore Drop: Ever since leaving the Endless Forest she still has a small connection to nature, which aids her along the way. Using her knowledge she has become one of the best potion makers in the world and will travel across the world aiding those in need despite many Rulers wanting her for themselves. 

Iris Sawako

Full Name: Iris Sawako

Country:  Masaru ( Known as now the capital:  Iris)

Powers: Iris can transform into her victim's true loves or family in order to play with them. She can shapeshift at will and can also apply curses to others. Many treat her as a Goddess who they have to please, with this much power anything is possible. 

Favorite Color: Pink and Green


Full Name: Athena 

Origin:  The Endless Forest

Powers:  Athena is one of the head protectors of the forest and is by Aisha's side. She is a half deer elflin that was born from one of the first plants in the forest. She can also use nature to her will but not to the point of Aisha. She is also very powerful. 

Favorite Color: Green and Teal


Full Name: Ruscella 

Origin:  ???

Powers:  Her powers deprive from a stone deep under the water, no one knows her true powers. 

Favorite Color: Red