

Guilds (Coming Soon!)

Magic System

World Map

A world map of Giardino, at least where we know of. The map consists of 4 main areas throughout the world at this time. Alpene, Iris. Rakuth, and Alphons.

These maps are not a 100% accurate map but a nice little starter map.

Description: The Magic Capital of the world, where most of the magic users are born the most. It is connected to a deep cave where star crystals lie beneath the surface. This helps supply the magic power in Alphons. Though the real scale of it..kind of a secret. ;)

Magic: Light magic is the most prominent magic.

Economy: Alphons' economy on the outside looks pretty good. However the economy is slightly wavering because of political reasons.

Trade: Their trade comes from their magical properties. They mostly trade magical armor, scrolls, and other things that most of the world uses. It is by far the best inventor. 

Politics: The Politics of Alphons is based through their monarchy system, with many lord, duchess, and a council. However not many people favor the new king. They have the strongest relationship with Raku'th and are trying to war against Iris. 

Landscape: Alphons is surrounded by mountains and caves. The kingdom being built in the center where the castle and cities are. There are a couple of towns here and there and a decent amount of land.

Legends & Deities: 

The legend of Alphons was the Goddess of Creation, and that the universe itself. The Goddess was a lonely one, she could make animals and all this land but there was nothing to curb the empty feeling in her heart. So it was decided she would sacrifice some of her own soul to give will and life to what we know as Giardino today. It is said she even lived among her subjects for a while. 

Description: Raku'th is more of an earth based kingdom. It has it's many legends, such as it being connected to the root of life: The Life Tree. There's another legend saying that is connected to the underworld but we have no clue if thats true. While being connected to the Elflin realm it has many benefits to healthy living due to its rich soil.

Magic: Rakuth's magic is primarily elemental, they have the most elemental magicks users in the entire realm. They assume it's the tree of life's influence and atmosphere. It is also knowing for it's many healing remedies. 

Economy: Their economy is better in the city, however there are lesser townships with lower to moderate economies...Especially those taxes.

Trade: They have decent trade with Alphons and Iris (Unknowingly to Iris), they also have some trade relations with Alpene. 

Politics: As an ally to Alphons, they are no stranger to war. The people believe their old king is a deranged one. Many poorer rural areas despise the king and the nicer territories 

Landscape: Being the largest land in the realm, it has a decent amount of mountains and the main city is the kingdom. Most of it being surrounded in forest.

Legends & Deities:

While each story is slightly different, it all goes to the same point in the past hundreds, if not thousands of years before present time. A feisty, young handsome pirate made himself way for a new adventure. He eventually lands in what would be known as Raku'th. While exploring this new land he had made his way to what seemed like a portal between two trees and dissapeared from that point on. For now we don't know what happened after that. 

Description: Iris is better known for their old methods of teaching, they believe the oldest way is the best way. They have many different fighting styles, old teachings, and are quite a small country. 

Magic: Their main magic users are a mix of different subclass magicks. There is no particular type. 

Economy: Their economy is not on the super high end but is decent.

Trade: N/A

Politics: They all hate Alphons, but why tho? We will find out soon enough.

Landscape:  Despite being a small country, there are smaller areas  where there are tiny villages. (Think Feudal Japan) There are some mountains here and there and a tiny island off to the right.

Legends & Deities:

Iris and Jason were twins, they needed food and shelter and had found themselves tricked into taking the sorcerers stone. The sorcerers stone is known for it's curse that jumps from person to person and curse changes per person. It is said that the twins terrorized the population, people said they were demons, other people said different and they were never seen since. 

Description: It's nickname: The Dragoons keep. It's legend is said to be land of an old sleeping earth dragon, that is larger than Raku'th, Iris, and Alphons combined. There is not much known about it but it is said it is guarded by a large underwater creature.

Magic: Their magic is particularly unknown. 

Economy: Unknown.

Trade: As far as we know there is only established relations with Raku'th.

Politics: There is not much known about their internal politics but they have a small relationship with Raku'th.

Landscape: It is told it is surrounded by mountains and large water gysers. There are many volcanoes and barren rock on the outside. Inside might be a different case though!

Legends & Deities:

Alpene, while being kind of secluded from everywhere else has it's own history. It is said a long time ago that dragons once ruled over the lands, and the last dragon lay its final rest surrounding the small island of Alpene, the volcanoes and mountains piled on top of its bones.