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Magic System

Creation magic is one of the higher magicks. Creation magic is the original light magic, however incredibly rare to come by and very few will possess this kind of power. Hoshi's are the only people who can have some will over Creation magic as they are born with a small increment of it. 

Light magic is a base magic type, everyone is born with some type of light inside of them. No soul is really ever corrupted before they are born, meaning everyone has some docile light power inside of them. However, not everyone awakens those powers leaving many without magic but still an essence of it. Magic and spirit are all and the same. 

Miracles (Purifying)

The opposite to darkness is light, Light magic users can purify small curses or enlighten objects. That light can also be channeled into attacks if trained correctly.

Dark Magic

Dark magic is the opposite to light magic, it works the same way but opposite. Usually dark magic is created through an traumatic event or just general circumstances. Let's say a curse for example.

Elemental magic is the cultivation of elements. They are usually divided into 4 elements but there are more that can be considered.

Some Subclasses:

A subclass magic of Elemental magic. While it is closer to creation magic, it is called summonary due to the way that it's made. Usually summonary magic consists of something that already exists in the physical space. (Ex: A scroll).

Elemental Magic Types:

Earth, water, fire, and wind magic are pretty simple, however with enough skill you can combine them. (Kind of like avatar lol)

Chaos magic is extremely dark and twisted magic. Chaos magic consists of corruption of the persons soul and eventually taking over their physical body. However if their will is strong enough they can take over this power and use it for their own desires. We don't actually know where chaos magic in itself came from but it is like a yin and yang cycle.

Some Subclasses: 

Spirit manipulation consists of temporarily taking a persons deepest scars, truama, and inner demons and turning it against them. This can give the user temporary control over a persons will and mind. This is not the same as chaos but is like a distant cousin to it. 

Destruction Magic

Destruction magic is one of the many uses of chaos magic. It has the ability to corrupt the molecular makeup of an object. 

Spirit magic is what connects a person most to nature. That is why people who often live near the rural parts of the world are more likely to be born with spirit or elemental magic. However, Spirit magic in itself isn't super common among regular people.

Some Subclasses:

Healing magic is a subclass under spirit magic. However healing magic can be incredibly risky to those who overuse it. Healing above your spirits power can cause you to lose your own life force.

Nature's Heart

This is when a person has a true connection to nature. They have the ability to speak to animals or plants through their spirits.